Monday, April 16, 2012

Bachelorette Party

Myself, Emily, Lindsay, and The Other Emily all went up to Lava Hot Springs in Idaho for the weekend.  It was the perfect mixture of relaxation and debauchery. There are only two bars in the entirety of Lava Hot Springs, so it wasn't as if the debauchery could get too out of control.  The hotel we stayed at had it's own set of pools, so we didn't even have to drive the entire time.  

Here is the Flickr slide show of our adventures:

Friday: we arrived at about 7pm and headed right off to dinner.  On the way to the Thai restaurant, we discovered a playground.  This distracted us for a good while, and we were all still stone-cold sober.  After dinner we sipped drinks the the springs until they kicked us out.

Saturday: we got up for breakfast (served at the hotel, and fabulous), and then spent the next six hours in the hot springs and dozing in the sun.  It was heaven. After a nap, we went to dinner at a house that another coworker of ours had rented for the weekend with her family (totally unrelated to our trip!)  Then it was off to the bar!  Lots of whiskey was consumed.

Sunday: After breakfast, some of us went back to bed and some of us went back into the pool.  We checked out at 11, and debated whether to stick around town for lunch.  The vote ended up being to just leave, so we took off and were back in SLC by 2pm.


Thursday, April 12, 2012

Skype Bridal Shower

Since I'm in Utah and my family is in Wisconsin, there are some "traditional" wedding activities that I had resigned myself that I wouldn't be involved in.  Such as the bridal shower. Now don't get me wrong, I was OK with this.  Paul and I have been living together for several years as we have all the kitchen crap we need to function.  So there was no real NEED to have a shower.  But...I wanted one.  Not for the presents, but for the camaraderie and those general "feel the love" feelings that happen when people are genuinely interested in and happy for your wedding.

A few weeks ago, I got an email from my mom's sister.  Would I be interested in have a bridal shower over Skype?  Hells yes!  A box of presents from my Target registry arrived at my door a few weeks ago, ready to open at the pre-approved time.

Tonight, along with my MOH Emily (who's in town for my bachelorette weekend), we Skyped with a group of ladies at my aunt's house.  I opened my gifts (yay for knives, sheets, and a food processor!) and we chatted for a bit about wedding plans. It was fantastic!  I was extremely touched that all these people wanted to have a bridal shower for me so much that they figured out a way to give me one from across the country.

A huge THANK YOU to all who attended and gave such great presents.

Drinking wine and Skyping.....

So, inexplicably, in my box of "real" presents, were some pick "Mega Blocks".  No idea where they came from !  They weren't on the packing list, and there would be no reason for them to be included!  Confusing, but hilarious!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Wedding Kilt!

Paul and the groomsmen are wearing kilts instead of your standard suits or tuxes.  Finding the Gallagher tartan proved to be more difficult than anticipated, and the colors didn't really get us pumped up.  So the next best thing was to go with Utilikilts!  They're kilts made for working in: the website is full of guys hiking and doing construction in their kilts.

Paul's kilt came today!

Formal yet unique, and infinitely bad ass.  

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Save The Dates have been sent!

The Save the Dates have been sent out!  They went out in two batches, one on Saturday and one on Monday. If you received one, please take some time to check out our website:

It would be super-duper sweet if you RSVP'd now.  That way, if someone won't be able to make it (sad face), we can maybe offer your spot to another guest.

Less than six months to go!