Friday, February 17, 2012

Gettin' Crafty with Ribbon Wands

So today I delved into wedding DIY.  Crafting.  Makin' shit.  Going Martha Stewart on this wedding.
Ok, maybe not that far.  When I told Paul what I was making, he laughed at me.  Hard.  And I am slightly embarrassed about how excited I got about making these ribbon wands, but they turned out very pretty! 

Step One: All the crap

Dowels, ribbon, eyebolts, bells, scissors and pliers.

Step 2: Cut the ribbon.  I had 10-yd rolls of ribbon and cut them into six even lengths. 

Step 3: Screw eyebolts into dowels:

I had Paul do this part for me.  As long as he's dealing with hardware and wood, it's not "crafting"...right?

Step 4: Thread ribbon through eyebolt and tie a knot.

Step 5: Add bells.  I tried to do this with twine, and quickly realized that the twine untied in about six seconds.  So I'm going to have to get some wire or baby cable ties to put the bells on. 

We made twelve for a test drive, and between the two of us it took about 20 minutes.  Only about 130 more to go! 

The next phase is to decorate the dowel somehow.  Ideas include spray-painting them, or getting another type of ribbon to wrap around the middle.  This requires a glue-gun, which I own, but makes the entire project infinitely more complicated. 

What are these for, you might ask?  They're alternatives to rice and/or bubbles.  They are for waving in a celebratory manner.  This might happen as we exit the chapel, or as we enter the reception, or both!